Friday, 20 October 2017



We are here to list various methods of rooting
android phone without using PC. Rooting an
Android device is the process of gaining root
access to your device (A.K.A. Super User Access).
With this type of access, the possibilities for your
Android device grow vastly. With the use of the
various apps that are available specifically for
rooted devices, any Android device owner could
increase or decrease (overclock) the CPU of their
device. Gain access to various files and settings
that were not previously available. Edit files and
APKs. Unlock features that were not there like
tethering options. Customize the device in so many
different ways. Remove pre-installed apps that were
set as system apps. That’s just several parts of it.
Read here to know more advantages of rooting .
Rooting Without Using a Computer.
The typical method used to root an Android device
is to download/install/run a program meant for
rooting devices, set the USB Debugging mode to
on (if needed), connect the device to the USB port
of your computer, and follow any/all given
instructions. This is the typical method because it’s
usually the easiest method. Oddly enough, rooting
an Android device without the use of a computer
turns out to be a little easier . The trick is that you
didn’t have to connect it to your PC or laptop at all.
Instead of downloading a program to the computer,
you can download an app that is meant for rooting
and install/run it. Turn on USB Debugging if needed
before you start. Follow any given instructions and
it’s a done deal. This is 2015, you can root without
PC. Below is a list of the more useful/popular apps
that are meant for rooting Android devices. They
were selected based on how useful they proved to
be and then the fact that they are free. They’re
listed in no specific order.

DO NOTE: There’s no one rooting app that will
work on every Android device. Making such a
claim is going to be completely ridiculous due to
the fact that new devices come out all the time.
The upside is that there are plenty of them out
there that can handle large numbers of devices
which can be helpful.
Also note that when side loading APKs is involved,
make sure the option Unknown Sources is turned
on in your device. That, and for The XDA
Developers Forums, just scroll to the end of the
original post and you’ll find the download. The
better bet is to avoid any “beta” versions for
download. There’s a FAQ at the bottom with further
explanations of some terms mentioned and some
explanations that might be needed. Visit here to
learn more methods of rooting an android device .
Root using android APK

APK #1. iRoot/vRoot
Much like the Windows version, this is one of
many one click = done rooting apps that can
handle a large number of different devices. The
sheer number of supported devices is what gets it
used so many times. Simple on screen things in
the app make it pretty easy to deal with. You have
to side load this app on your device. Install, run it,
and use the things showing on the app screen. It’ll
reboot your device. Doesn’t get much easier. Also
note, those other apps, ringtones, and other things
that show up after the rooting is done are in
Chinese. You might want to avoid that.

APK #2. Framaroot
This one is pretty easy going as well. It’s also
known to work on lots of devices. Again, you have
to side load it. Just download, install, and run it on
your device. Choose Superuser or SuperSU. Then
choose one of the options named after The Lord of
the Rings characters. Wait for it and it’ll reboot
your Android device. That’s it, if successful, you’re
device is now rooted. It is one of the best Android
app which helps to root without any PC usage.

APK #3. Root Master
More in the way of one click = done rooting. Quite
simply download, install, and run it complete with
side loading. Click the Start button and wait. Click
the Root button and wait. It’ll show you if your
Android device was successfully rooted. Then it
tells you to reboot your device. Done deal.

APK #4. Z4Root
This is one of the popular choices because it’s
from The XDA Developers Forums. That forum is
well known for having a very large collection of
mobile experts. Again with the side loading. Once
it’s installed and running, you have two instructions,
and then restart. Yeah, that’s all. The downside is
that the supported device list is not very large like
other apps. But for supported devices, it does very

APK #5. Universal Androot
Another app from The XDA Developers Forums and
yet another app in need of side loading. Once it’s
installed, you are given some instructions to follow.
Once it’s done, you’re device is rooted. The upside
and the downside is that this app is meant for
lower versions of Android (1.5 up to 2.2). Owners
of older Android versions would like it. Newer
version Android owners should stick with other

Some FAQs on Rooting without PC

1. What is side loading?
Side loading is simply installing an
Android app from the Android device.
Typically, you download the app onto a
computer and then transfer it to one of the
device storages (internal storage, phone
storage, SD card). Using a file manager,
you can install it. The part that most
overlook is that you don’t always need a
computer to do this. You can also
download an app to your phone for side
loading by using any given browser that
happens to be installed.

2. What is Unknown Sources and how do I
turn it on?
Unknown Sources is an option in Android
that allows you to install apps from any
location. That’s the main use of it. Turning
it on is a little different in lower and higher
versions of Android. In the lower version,
go into the Settings of your device, and
click Applications. In higher versions, you
find it in the Security section of the
Settings. Once you find it, simply make
sure the checkbox is checked (on).
Uncheck it to turn it off.

3. What is The XDA Developers Forums?
That is one of the most widely used and
most popular forums for developers and
mobile enthusiasts currently available. They
deal with a large variety of software
developing and various hardware concerns.
Many of the members are pretty nice in the
fact that they help by providing information
and advice in so many topics. It’s pretty
much all things mobile and whatever else
they can add in.

4. What if something goes wrong with my
attempt to root?
There’s a variety of things you can do to
fix problems. It’s a matter of what the
problem is specifically and where you look
for help. XDA Forums…. hint hint!!

5. Can I un-root my device?
Yes. The various software available for
rooting will often have an un-root option
included. This also includes the various
rooting apps.

6. Why root without the use of a computer?
Not everyone has a computer. Yes,
contraire to popular belief, not everyone in
the world has a computer to use so they
can root. Doing it yourself and not having
to bring it to someone else that might
charge you are also nice options. Lost
and/or broken USB cables are other
What next?
After rooting your android device you become a
root user. Now you can try applications for rooted
android device.
All in all, you have a variety of choices to root your
Android device. Now it’s just a matter of using one
that works on your specific device(s). Please tell
us the way you rooted your android phone in the
comment section given below.

SOURCE: TechLoveJump
