Cell phones emit RF radiations which affect human health adversely. These radiations can be categorized as thermal, non-thermal and genotoxical. Researchers have found that high exposure to RF radiations can cause brain tumor and problems like headache, fatigue & difficulty in concentration. Bringing cell phones close to head causes more exposure to RF radiation. Thus, it is advisable to use earphones and Bluetooth headsets as they emit fewer radiations. When you use earphones or Bluetooth headsets, you are less exposed to such radiations as direct radiations from the mobile phone antenna get reduced.
Devices such as Bluetooth headsets emit wireless microwave radiation. Microwave signals have shorter wavelengths and a rapid rate of oscillation which enables them to carry information over long distances without wires. Their short wavelength and rapid oscillation also helps them to penetrate living tissues down to the cellular level. Soviet Russia used this characteristic of microwave signals against U.S. when it developed dangerous weapons in 1950s. These weapons caused leukemia in people. This indicates that even microwave radiations used in wireless communication can cause severe health damages. Microwave radiations from Bluetooth devices cause biological changes in body. These biological changes take place at cellular level and can transmit to offspring via DNA and RNA.
Another type of danger that is being caused by Bluetooth headsets is distraction while driving vehicles. According to a survey that I conducted on Bluetooth headset users, about 70 % of users take calls while driving. Distraction or lack of attention while driving may cause accidents, especially during bad weather conditions, bad mood or heavy traffic.
Health hazards caused by Bluetooth devices :
Though, communicating using Bluetooth devices is preferred over cell phone devices, Bluetooth devices are not entirely safe. Long term exposure to microwave signals from Bluetooth devices can cause so many health hazards. I have discussed some potential hazards below.
Ear Pain: Ear pain is one of the health hazards caused by prolonged use of Bluetooth headsets. Bluetooth headsets clipped in to ear's outer portion cause pain due to their weight. The uncomfortable sit of Bluetooth headsets can also cause ear-pain. You can use cushions and weight less Bluetooth headsets to avoid discomfort.
Hearing loss: It is another side effect of Bluetooth headsets. Headset volume can be tuned to higher levels but you should know that sounds louder than 85dB can cause hearing loss. To protect your hearing ability, keep the volume low.
Weight gain: Electromagnetic frequencies and radiations interrupt the natural energy flow of body. According to the King institute, repeated exposure to this type of radiation can also cause weight gain.
Brain cancer:When we use Bluetooth headsets, we are bringing these devices close to head. Individuals who use this device continually get affected by its radiations even when the device is not in use. Even small doses of such radiations affect brain cells and can cause brain cancer.
Leukemia: It is another hazard of using Bluetooth technology. Radiations coming from Bluetooth devices are not as strong as microwave radiations but their continued exposure can result in Leukemia, low immunity system and diseases.
Other side effects: Bluetooth radiations may affect individuals differently but problems arise basically because microwave radiations interrupt cell functioning and natural transmission of energy. Some other side effects associated with microwave radiations are birth defects, miscarriage, hair loss, Alzheimer disease, neck pain, and headache.
Conclusion :
On the basis of my study, I conclude that Bluetooth communications are unsafe. Bluetooth radiations are safer than the radiations emitted by cell phones but these radiations too cause dangerous health hazards. Lack of formal studies are the reason why we see Bluetooth communication as safe but further research over this matter can prove how Bluetooth technology is playing with our health.